Who is Ira Kunyanksy? Profession and all we know as Abigail Breslin announced marriage

Actress and singer Abigail Breslin recently tied the knot with Ira Kunyansky. Although the wedding details have not been revealed so far, Breslin shared a picture of her engagement ring on Instagram and wrote,

“ya girl got married y’all.”

Kunyansky also shared a glimpse of the wedding on Instagram with a picture featuring him and Breslin. The caption stated,

“Love my other second half @abbienormal9”

Abigail Breslin’s husband is from Odesa, Ukraine

Born on February 16, 1991, in Los Angeles, California, Ira Kunyansky's Twitter account states that he is Russian.

Kunyansky’s educational background remains unknown, and according to reports, he did not complete his secondary studies along with his graduation. He is currently employed at a travel company.

The 31-year-old’s net worth is estimated to be around $2 million. Kunyansky gained recognition following his engagement with Abigail Breslin and has around 2,316 followers and 421 posts on Instagram. His posts mostly feature him with Breslin and his friends. The bio states:

“Took a bite out of AAPL in ’09. Crypto connoisseur.”

He seems to be a supporter of Donald Trump, as his social media page is full of Republican cartoons and pictures.

Abigail Breslin and Ira Kunyansky’s relationship timeline

Abigail Breslin and Ira Kunyansky got engaged in 2022 (Image via Rich Polk/Getty Images)

Abigail Breslin and Ira Kunyansky have not disclosed how or where they met each other. Their relationship became public when Breslin shared a few pictures of them in 2017 on Instagram. The duo got engaged in February last year, with Breslin posting a picture flaunting her ring. The caption read:

“I was like, “duh.” #engagedyall.”

Glimpses of the pair’s happy relationship are clearly visible on their social media accounts. On their fourth anniversary, Kunyansky posted some pictures in April 2021.

Before their engagement, Breslin shared a tribute to her love on Instagram and wrote that her life is uninteresting without Kunyansky. A year before they got engaged, Breslin’s father, who was 78 at the time, died from contracting Covid-19 in February 2021.

The duo has been spotted together on the red carpet at different events. According to reports, when the pair first met, Kunyansky was unaware that Breslin was an actress. Breslin herself admitted the same on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in 2021 and said,

“He had no idea who I was when we first met. I told him I was moving to LA and he was like, ‘Oh for what reason?’ and I was like ‘Well, I’m an actor’ and he was like ‘Good luck!’”

Abigail will next appear as Trisha Weir in the biographical crime drama film Miranda’s Victim. Directed by Michelle Danner, the film's release date has not yet been revealed. The film features Luke Wilson, Andy Garcia, and Donald Sutherland in other important roles.

Breslin is popular for her performances in films like Zombieland, Haunter, Wicked Blood, Magie, Zombieland: Double Tap, Slayers, and more. Abigail has also appeared on TV shows like Hack, NCIS, Grey’s Anatomy, Scream Queens, and more.

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